Tuesday, June 5, 2007

High Carb vs High Fat diets

Diet fitness is quite significant to a bodybuilder and it is essential for the growth and formation of muscle and other tissues. The diet must be such that it can provide the basic nutrients to the body besides grooming the developmental aspect of the Body.

Carbohydrates and Fats play an important role in the normal functioning of the Body. Carbohydrates can easily enter into the oxidation process of the human body very easily and provide a rapid flow of energy. A highly enriched diet of carbohydrate can be used for the purpose of maximizing liver and muscle glycogen reserves. Glycogen is term used to denote a complex glucose that is able to supply large amounts of energy to the performance of anaerobic exercises.
Types of Carbohydrates:

Simple Carbohydrates: They are several forms of sugar such as fructose and glucose and have the capability of breaking down very easily in the human body and are considered to be a great and quick source of energy. Examples of simple Carbohydrates are: Dairy products, fruits, maple syrup and honey.

Complex Carbohydrates: They consist of long strings of simple Carbohydrates and are slower sources of energy than the simple Carbohydrates. However, they have a advantage that they provide comparatively quicker generation of energy than simple Carbohydrates. Examples of complex Carbohydrates are: Pastas, bread, potatoes and corn.

The human body is able to store quite a small amount of excess energy in the form of carbohydrates. It is medically recommended that the total daily calories of a human being must have at least 50-55% of Carbohydrates.
Categories of Carbohydrates:


Fats are a set of complex molecules that comprises of glycerol and fatty acids. They are the slowest energy source to the body but the most efficient energy form of food in terms of energy. The supply of calories to the body by fats exceed to that of carbohydrates or proteins. . It is medically recommended that the total daily calories of a human being must be less than 30 percent. It is also advised that the intake of cholesterol and trans fatty acids must be reduced in the human body.
Categories of Fats:

Fats and Carbohydrates play a very important role in the growth and development of the human body and they are really beneficial for a bodybuilder’s body as his body needs additional amount of both Fats and Carbohydrates due to an increase in the level of muscle activity and more demand of nutrients by the body.

Just like any other nutrient, Fats and Carbohydrates can not be neglected as their role in the normal functioning and development is unique and a healthy body needs both of them for support and growth. It is advisable that the diet must contain either high carbohydrates and low fats or low carbohydrates and high fats. It is strongly advised that both Fats and Carbohydrates must not be on a higher level.

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