Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Smoking-meaning, effects, treatment, tips, after-effects, benefits.

Tobacco smoking is the process of burning the cured or dried leaves of the tobacco plant for smoke inhaling. This is a habit which turns into an addiction slowly and gradually. Tobacco consists of an addictive stimulant, nicotine, which has serious implication on the human body.

Harmful effects of smoking:

It can cause lung cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
It can also lead to anxiety, depression and insomnia.
Inability to learn new information.
Frequent body need of smoking.
Heart attack and cancers of larynx and tongue.
Stroke and mood swings.
It doubles the risk of coronary heart disease.
Bad breath and yellow teeth.
Breathing problems such as asthma and fatigue.
Loss of body stamina.

Nicotine is an addictive stimulant which is the main cause of continuing tobacco smoking. It can cause psychological and physical dependence.


Pain in the chest, arm, jaw or neck.
Shortness of breath and dizziness.
Sudden temporary weakness.
High blood pressure.
Increase risk of heart attack.

Benefits of quitting smoking:

Blood pressure drops to normal in 20 minutes of quitting smoking.
The level of carbon monoxide drops to normal in 8 hours.
Chances of heart diseases reduced in 24 hours of quitting.
Coughing, fatigue and shortness of breath decrease in 1-9 months of quitting.
The risk of coronary heart disease decrease to that of a non-smoker in 15 years.

Active smokers often neglect the risk attached to their own life and often see smoking as a way of lifestyle and neglecting tensions by calming their nerves. Studies have shown that this is a misconception and the body is not benefited from the use of smoking. This is very harmful in cases of a pregnant woman, people suffering from asthma and heart diseases, and children and people who wanted to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Smoking does not only affect the active smokers but also the passive smokers who inhales the smoke inadvertently and involves inhaling of carcinogens in addition to various other toxic components which are harmful for the proper functioning of the body.

Benefits of smoking:

The risk of ulcerative colitis gets reduced.
The smokers require less regular repeated revascularization after percutaneous coronary intervention.
It interferes with the development of Kaposi’s sarcoma.

Studies have shown that people use to smoke from teen age are prone to the use of alcohol and drugs. Smoking usually develops from the bad lifestyle, company, life patterns, depression, parental smoking and through television and cinema and the feeling to show off. This is usually just a one-time step but it grows and forms an addiction which is really hard to leave.

Treatment of smoking:

Medical advice.
Strong will-power.
Engaging one in hobbies or work.
Relaxation therapy.
Deep breathing exercises and use of medicines.

Smoking is believed to be the main cause for about 87% of the lung cancer deaths around the World.

Smoking reduces the passage of oxygen to the foetus of women due to the presence of cyanide, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons of aromatic nature. It is often believed to be the cause of reduction in placetal flow of blood, thereby reducing the delivery of oxygen in addition to fall in the nutritional levels to the unborn baby.

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